با سلام
همکاران گرامی: جهت ثبت نام و با تمدبد عضویت متاسفانه درگاه پرداخت اینترنتی دچار مشکل شده لطفا جهت دریافت مشخصات کارت بانکی انجمن با شماره 09017340600 تماس بگیرید

نشریات انجمن

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1403/11/15 | 

Iranian Journal of Health Education and Health Promotion is an open access journal which published by Iranian Association of Health Education and Health Promotion. It  provides a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary forum for the publication of research aimed at understanding the implications and approaches to health promotion in public health. This journal published in two English and Persian quarterlies and is supported technically by Iranian Health Education & Promotion, Social Psychology and Epidemiologists Academic Institutions.

website: https://journal.ihepsa.ir/fa
Abstracting and Indexing: Scopus, DOAJ, IMEMR, Google Scholar

Journal of Health Literacy is the official peer-reviewed journal of Iranian Association of Health Education and Health Promotion that is published by Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. The journal is published quarterly since ۲۰۱۶. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed original articles and commissioned reviews on Health Literacy. Articles in the categories of Brief Communication, Case Report, and Letter to the Editor that may be of interest to researchers in Health literacy are also accepted.

website: https://literacy.mums.ac.ir/
Abstracting and Indexing:  Web of Science (ESCI), Scopus, Doaj 


Health Promotion Perspectives (HPP) is an international platinum open access journal that is a peer-reviewed and multidisciplinary forum for the publication of studies aimed at understanding the implications and approaches to health promotion and public health. The Journal welcomes both quantitative and qualitative studies in the field of Health Promotion and Education, especially interventional studies that reflect professionals’ experiences worldwide.

website: https://hpp.tbzmed.ac.ir/

Abstracting and Indexing: Web of Science (ESCI), PubmedScopus.


Journal of Education and Community Health (JECH) is the offi­cial scientific biannual publication of the Hamadan University of Medical Sciences (UMSHA) Press. This Journal ac­cepts original research articles, case reports, brief reports, review articles, editorials, letters to the editor.

website: http://jech.umsha.ac.ir/

Abstracting and Indexing: ScopusEmbase, DOAJ, IMEMR, Google Scholar


دفعات مشاهده: 194 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 32 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 0 بار   |   0 نظر